Pure Health – Youth Switch


Dr. David A. Sinclair, Ph.D., is a Professor in the Department of Genetics at Harvard Medical School and co-Director of the Paul F. Glenn Center for the Biological Mechanisms of Aging.* Dr. Sinclair is a pioneer in investigating the mechanisms of longevity for over 30 years. His trailblazing research is ground-breaking and, to put it frankly, mind-blowing. If you look at him, you’ll think he’s in his 40s – he’s a walking billboard for his work!

Exciting news of his scientific discoveries has hit the mainstream, demonstrating that we can lengthen lifespans! Although this field is still in its infancy, thousands of scientists have joined this electrifying domain with enthusiasm. And results are pouring in.

Scientists have discovered Telomeres, which are the endcaps of DNA and indicators of how cells age, i.e., longevity. Telomeres are like the plastic tips of shoelaces, protecting the ends of your DNA strands from damage. Because once damaged, it can’t do its job and dies. Your cells multiply through a biological process called mitosis. That is when DNA copies itself. Research has shown that each time this happens, those telomeres get shorter. This is better known as aging. When they get too short, the cells stop functioning properly, leading to disease. Some call Telomeres the “Aging Clock” of cells.

According to the latest research, the longer your Telomeres, the longer you live, and the younger you feel!*


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